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Starter Kits feed

Starter equipment kits are needed to begin brewing.  We offer a complete line of equipment kits

Our basic economy equipment kit includes

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Deluxe Equipment Kit (w/5 gallon carboy & handle)

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0 stars  Total votes: 0
This inexpensive kit has all the quality equipment needed to start making great beer at home. Pair it with any of the True Brew™ Ingredient Kits to homebrew professional quality beers of any style. **Includes 5 gallon glass carboy** 
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Economy Beer Kit (Equipment + Ingredients)

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0

True Brew Equipment Kit

Average customer rating:
0 stars  Total votes: 0
The Maestro kit is perfect for beginning brewers. This inexpensive kit has all the quality equipment needed to start making great beer at home. Pair it with any of the True Brew™ Ingredient Kits to homebrew professional quality beers of any style. This Ma 
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